Beginner 1
- Complete
- No
or few previous swimming lessons
- Flotation
Devices necessary
- Age 4 minimum
Beginner 2
- Have
had some previous swimming lessons
- Able
to propel themselves in the water with flotation devices (e.g. armbands)
- Blowing
- Can
attempt a star float on their back and front
- Moving through the water up to
5m with flotation devices
Beginner 3
- Comfortable
putting face in the water, blowing bubbles
- Working
towards long stretched legs on front and back
- Able
to achieve a streamline (flat and straight) body position on front and back
- Reducing
flotation aids used for independent swimming
- Can attempt breaststroke legs
and arms
Improvers 1
- Can
swim 5 – 10m out of their depth without flotation devices
- Using
flotation devices to improve technique only
- Attempting
fullstroke backcrawl and frontcrawl with no aids
- Attempting
side breathing
- Developing breaststroke
Improvers 2
- Can
swim 10m unaided
- Improving
timing of arms, legs and breathing of front crawl
- Improving
timing of arms and legs for backcrawl
- Threading
water with no aids
- Introducing butterfly
Improvers 3
- Can
swim 10 – 20m frontcrawl breathing to the side
- Can
swim 10 – 20m backcrawl arms and legs
- Developing
- Improving
overall stroke technique, breathing and timing